Syllabus Submission to Academic Office

Syllabus Submission to Academic Office

Departments use this form to submit official course syllabi that have been approved by the Department Chair/Program Director. The form now only allows one syllabus to be uploaded per submission.

Within the MACH form, the syllabi go to the appropriate Dean or Dean designate for approval before consideration by the Academic Office. Include the email information for all persons who should receive the confirmation e-mail once the syllabus is approved by the Academic Office.

Your syllabus should match the current catalog. Please check to be sure that the complete course title, number, description and pre-requisites match what is in the catalog for a syllabus currently in use.

If you have submitted a new program through the New Program Proposal process or course changes for through Program Change or to the Registrar through the General BCI by the deadlines for those processes, please submit a syllabus matching those changes with the proper effective date.

Use the current syllabus template to create your syllabus. Click here to view the current syllabus template.

The Faculty Handbook section 5.2.D provides the following:

A change to any of the following components of a course require that the department or program submit the syllabus for review as a “revised” syllabus:

• Course Title
• Course Number
• Credit Hours
• Course description (aka catalog description)

When a revised syllabus is submitted for a course that has changed title or number, please indicate the previous title and/or number for reference in your submission in the additional comments.